Thursday, July 2, 2015

Full Marriage Equality Comes to the Episcopal Church

What This Means for the people in our pews

Marriage equality in the Episcopal Church is now a reality for all. Resolutions proposed by the Task Force on Marriage and amended slightly by the House of Bishops, passed in the House of Deputies on July 1st. What does this mean for us at Holy Comforter, Richmond and other parishes that will rejoice in these changes? It means that same-sex couples will be able to use all the trial liturgies approved at this 78th General Convention, as well as the marriage service found in the Book of Common Prayer. It means that different-sex couples will be able to use all the trial liturgies as well as being able to continue to use the marriage service in the Book of Common Prayer as they have always been able to do. One of the fascinating aspects of these matters has been the experience of heterosexual people of the blessing service for same-sex couples --- many want to use it! As of the 1st Sunday in Advent 2015, they will be able to do so. The 1st Sunday in Advent 2015, November 29th, will also be the day that all couples will be able to use the trial marriage liturgies approved at the 78th General Convention. As well, the canons of the Episcopal Church have been changed to expand the definition of marriage to be between any two persons. The bishops of our diocese, the Diocese of Virginia, and the deputation of clergy and lay persons all voted to passes these historic resolutions. I have been so thankful to be able to vote for justice, as a representative our diocese and of our church. Holy Comforter, Richmond, and many other churches have been waiting a long time for the Church to catch up to what most of you have believed about these matters. Thanks be to God that the matter of marriage equality has been settled in the Episcopal Church as well as in the U.S., within days of each other.