Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day One of the 77th General Convention

Today was the fist legislative day of General Convention. This first full day also included our first Eucharist and many hearings held by committees. A high point of the day was the House of Deputies consenting to the election of Susan Goff to be our bishop suffragan.

I also attended a Prayer Book and Liturgy hearing and a hearing on Structure. Many people at the hearing think that a massive restructuring of our Church, at every level, but certainly starting at the "top," will help us to...grow? be some how more? I see God in the energy people have when they talk about being faithful to God and in how they want to be open to doing things in a new way so that the Church can be all that God wants us to be. I also see God in how people devote so much time and energy to do the work of the Church here at Convention.