Monday, June 29, 2015

The Spirit at Work

Bp Shannon:  I agree that it is certainly true that there are many arguments for and against whether or not we are putting canons in conflict with the prayer book and all of that, but I must suggest that we -  I speak in favor of this motion.  I must suggest that we cannot make the perfect the enemy of the good.  Before I came to General Convention I wrote a very strongly worded letter to my diocese asserting my utter and absolute commitment to marriage equality and wanted to bring the fullest, strongest, statement for that, that we can provide.  I think after many days of consultation this is the best we can do, and it’s something I can support.  I came here with the sense that we couldn’t do this by a simply canonical route. That we needed to do something fuller that required a little more time and a two-reading sort of way, and I’m pleased with that.  And I think we need to be careful that, however important they are, making idols out of our rules.  And I’m reminded that our Lord said that humankind was not made for the Sabbath, but the Sabbath for humankind.  We know that in Jesus’ day that would be akin to us saying that we repeal the Holy Communion.  If we have to wait some time to sort out a conflict between canon and liturgy, rules and that sort of thing, I’d much rather it be a canon than a loving couple that wants to bring honor and glory and witness to God through the bond and covenant of marriage.